Poster Park

Movie and TV Show Poster App

A client side AngularJS app that allows users to search for movie and television show posters and information. The app integrates the OMDB API using the $http get method.


Community Beautification App

A single page full stack node/express application that allows users to post project suggestions to help improve their neighborhoods and communities. Spiffy+ uses handlebars.js views to display content. User posts are stored in a MySQL database and routes are accessed via Sequelize.js queries and AJAX calls.

Trailer Park

Movie and TV Show Trailer App

A client side app with a Netflix inspired interface for finding trailers for movies and television shows. Trailer Park uses a simple Bootstrap layout powered by jQuery. The app uses a combination the Youtube, OMDB and Movie Database APIs to display content via AJAX call.

Technical Skills

About Me

Currently Playing

Life is Strange
Bioshock Remastered
Call of Duty: WWII