Poster Park
Movie and TV Show Poster App
A client side AngularJS app that allows users to search for movie and television show posters and information. The app integrates the OMDB API using the $http get method.
A client side AngularJS app that allows users to search for movie and television show posters and information. The app integrates the OMDB API using the $http get method.
A single page full stack node/express application that allows users to post project suggestions to help improve their neighborhoods and communities. Spiffy+ uses handlebars.js views to display content. User posts are stored in a MySQL database and routes are accessed via Sequelize.js queries and AJAX calls.
A client side app with a Netflix inspired interface for finding trailers for movies and television shows. Trailer Park uses a simple Bootstrap layout powered by jQuery. The app uses a combination the Youtube, OMDB and Movie Database APIs to display content via AJAX call.
I can make things pretty creating the look of a page with HTML5/CSS3, writing client side logic with JS and designing logos using AI.
HTML5 , CSS3 , SASS/SCSS , Bootstrap, Javascript , jQuery, React.js , AngularJS , Adobe Illustrator, Sketch
I also know my way around the backend using Node/Express servers to build apps and either SQL or NoSQL databases to store data.
Javascript , jQuery, AngularJS , Node.js , Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize.js, MongoDB
I know how to bring it all together in fullstack applications centered around APIs. My strength is to use my backend to build APIs.
Then I use routes and queries to bring that data to the front end. I can also GET (no pun intended) info from your favorite APIs.
Jessica Jones
Halt and Catch Fire
Lights - Skin & Earth
Souvenirs - Posture of Apology
Eisley - I'm Only Dreaming
Ready Player One
The Handmaid's Tale